Thursday, May 31, 2007

I think I can, I think I can...

7 hours of class remain and I will be finished with my summer semester. This week has been crazy with the bulk of our class work in a matter of three days plus a field trip which did not even relate to the book of Acts. (at least it broke up the monotony of the course) We took our 2nd exam today and then have the final tomorrow morning. None of us are motivated or have any energy--truly it is God carrying us through these courses!

I am excited to move out of the dorm this Saturday; I will be packing up and cleaning and moving all of my summer necessities to Tewksbury, MA where I will be living for the summer. I am truly grateful to my church as they are reaching out to me and caring for me this summer. Not only that, the family I am living with has a pool in the backyard! (Can ya' tell I'm excited?) In what spare time I will have from working, reading, planning, and doing missons stuff for church, I plan to enjoy that pool to the fullest extent.

Mason and I will also be going to VA in less than a week! I will be meeting my soon-to-be in-laws and a good portion of Mason's family. I am looking forward to it, and the time off from school, work, and Boston. God is so good to allow us this downtime both for him to have a brief break before departing for Korea, and for me to be able to meet at least his parents and some family members.

I have recently been re-reading from "Abide in Christ" by Andrew Murray. It has been a great tool through which the Lord has been reminding me to keep a calm spirit and rest in Him, trusting His sovereignty in all things. Especially now, I am wanting to use what time I will have this summer to plan our wedding so that I will not have to during the school year. However, with the college administration making major changes to the Spring academic calendar, plans cannot be made--we can't set a date until they tell us when our graduation will be. Truly, reading about what it means to be grafted to Christ's vine, and pruned to produce fruit has come at an appropriate time.

May I just state, "I am officially sick of school." Thank you.


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