Saturday, July 28, 2007


I did not realize it had been so long since I posted. So here goes my attempt to bring all of you up to speed.

My visit with Mom, Mel, and the rest of our relatives in Washington went very well. We were able to relax and enjoy ourselves and eat, laugh, shop, swim and play pool. I even got to see a few cousins that I hadn't seen since before I was a teenager! We had a lot of time to cover in just a few days so a lot of time was spent visiting.
Mom helped me find a wedding dress and it was too perfect to pass up. (one more item checked off my list!) It was fun to shop with her, Gram, Mel, and even my Aunt Jodi on the last run. I carried it back on the plane and had quite the time balancing it with my laptop and other luggage. It was well worth it though!
I only have one week left at Camp Quannapowitt and then I am off to Arkansas for the missionary retreat. I am so excited for that week, not just for the retreat, but Mason flies back in the middle of that week as well! I am anticipating a great week of ministering with Pastor Trill and his wife, working with the teens, and hopefully renewing some ties with the missionaries and missions office staff. I always enjoy the fellowship and encouragement even while ministering.
Well, that's an overview-I am off to do laundry and enjoy my Saturday with no plans! haha-I have been working and driving so much between jobs I have no desire to get back in my car to go anywhere.


1 comment:

Laurel Lee said...

Looks like you are enjoying you summer!